Media Spotlight

Spirit of Sustainability Awards
Chandana Mitra is an associate professor in the Department of Geosciences in the Geography program at COSAM. All her work as a physical geographer and climatologist is framed through the lens of sustainability. Understanding the excessive heat generated in urban settings and the consequences of evaporation and precipitation is crucial if urban areas are to adapt and mitigate the impacts of a warming climate. ... Continue Reading

Area candidates and voters attend forum on economics of climate change
Special to the Opelika Observer a crowd of nearly 80 people, including candidates for local and state offices, attended a forum Aug. 19 at Auburn University’s CASIC building to learn the latest economics and science regarding climate change due to human-caused global warming and what we can do about it. Mike Kensler, Director, Office of Sustainability at AU moderated the event which included four AU professors ... Continue Reading
The Ecosystem Services of Greenspaces
Locating Highly Suitable Communities in Alabama, United States Mason Pitre, Elijah T. Johnson, Lindsay C. Maudlin, Chandana Mitra, Karen McNeal June 3, 2021
Ecosystem Services are all of the benefits that we receive from the environment around us. According to the EPA, when these resources are well managed, some benefits that we get can include clean air and water, fewer and less severe natural hazards, a stable climate, and biodiversity conservation. However, when they are not well managed, we get some negative effects such as pollution and climate change ... Continue Reading

Featured in Bloomberg Law Newspaper (June 2020)
Deep-sea mining should be approached gingerly because not enough is known about its environmental impacts, according to a report issued by 14 world leaders on Tuesday.
The report from the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy appears to cut against the Trump administration’s recently announced plans to speed up permitting for exploring, mapping, and researching the ocean ... Continue Reading

Featured on SciLine, an American Association of Advancement of Science (AAAS) as a climate expert in September 2020
What science-backed considerations about climate mitigation and adaptation are most important for voters to understand as they compare candidates’ approaches to addressing climate change? ... Continue Reading
Earth Day: Mother Earth as Art online exhibit at Auburn blends art and science
It can take distance sometimes to appreciate a thing, and on this Earth Day, a blend of science and art has combined to show just how beautiful and precious Earth is from miles above ... Continue Reading

July was the hottest month since mankind began keeping records more than a century ago, according to a European Union climate program ... Continue Reading
Heat, stagnation: Impact of climate change in Alabama
Editor’s note: This is the third installment in APR’s yearlong series on climate change in Alabama. Eddie Burkhalter is a staff writer at Alabama Political Reporter and a fellow at the Poynter-Koch Media and Journalism Fellowship. Continue Reading

Death, blackouts, melting asphalt: ways the climate crisis will change how we live
Between record heat and rain, this summer’s weather patterns have indicated, once again, that the climate is changing. US cities, where more than 80% of the nation’s population lives, are disproportionately hit by these changes, not only because of their huge populations but because of their existing – often inadequate – infrastructure ... Continue Reading
NEWSTALK - Not Mild in the City
New research is revealing the heat trapping power that major cities have across the globe. Auburn University professor Dr Chandana Mitra joins Dave to explain what that means in the future and what cities can do to keep cool ... See More

Auburn researchers compare heat produced by large and small urban areas
Scientists have long understood the effect large urban areas like New York City or Atlanta have on temperature – these mega cities are warmer than nearby rural locations due to increased energy usage, the enormous presence of heat-absorbing impervious surfaces like concrete, steel and asphalt, and dwindling green spaces. ... Continue Reading
​Kolkata’s heat islands show increased intensity
From leafy residential neighbourhoods such as Alipore and Rajarhat to Laldighi in the heart of Kolkata’s business district earlier known as Dalhousie Square to busy traffic intersections, India’s eastern metropolis is showing unmistakable signs of urban heat islands, mirroring the reality in other big cities in the country ... Continue Reading

There's no denying that it's been an unusually cold and snowy winter in Alabama. According to the National Weather Service in Birmingham, the last time average winter temperatures fell this low was in 1977. ... Coninue Reading

Auburn Scientists Study Hurricanes and their Impacts
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