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Auburn University Geosciences Urban Research Website (Advised by Dr. Chandana Mitra)
urbanPRism represents a spectrum; the various aspects, dimensions, and scales of urbanization as a discipline. The lab’s research focuses on interactions between land, water, atmosphere, humans, and built systems at the urban scale. Other areas of research pursued by our lab include, STEM & STEAM related research, climate change and science communication. At urbanPRism we bridge the natural-human dimensions of urbanization, with the vision of creating a resilient yet sustainable future.

urbanPRism annual meeting 2023

urbanPRism team in SEDAAG 2022, Atlanta

Megha Shrestha from our lab successfully defended her dissertation.

urbanPRism annual meeting 2023
More About urbanPRism Group

Megha Shrestha from our lab successfully defended her dissertation
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