Brandon Ryan (PhD Student)
Area of Interest: Area of Interest: Hazards & Vulnerability, Rural vs. Urban, Science Communication, Education
Louisville, KY
Brandon comes to us from Louisville, Kentucky. He attended the University of Louisville for his undergraduate studies, where he received a degree in Atmospheric Science, a minor in environmental analysis, and a certificate in geospatial technologies. He arrived at Auburn in Fall 2020 and has been an acting NSF trainee for the past two years. While at Auburn Brandon finished as a top-10 Finalist in the University’s annual 3 Minute Thesis competition and was a recipient of the COSAM Dean’s Research Award for master’s students in Spring 2022. He remains at Auburn to pursue his Ph.D. in Earth System Science and has also been selected as an 1887 Society Ambassador for the 2022-2023 school year. For his Dissertation work, Brandon will be focused on investigating issues surrounding rural Education and rural communities. Brandon has also been involved in clubs and activities across campus such as the Marine Biology club, Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the Auburn University Fencing club.